Listening to @gritandteeth on the @thebodyofknowledge podcast got me thinking about something that comes up a lot in fitness circles, especially pertaining to 'transformations'.

There seems to be this idea that circulates that 'celebrities' or at very least the rich have a far, far easier time getting in shape. In fact I've seen some big 'names' in the industry state (usually as part of a sales pitch) that we should completely disregard the results of these folks.
The general commentary usually revolves around them having 'the best' of everything, the best trainers, the best nutritionists, even chefs... but the focal point of many of the sleights is usually that they don't work a nine 'til five, thus they have not only infinite resources but infinite time in which to utilise them...



As Michael states in the podcast, many of these people are operating mini empires with multiple projects on the go that may require their attention at any given time- workouts will have to be scheduled in and adhered to with precision. An option open to most of us. (If you know what time you're going to finish work every night of the week and where you'll be, you're two up on me.)
But let's suppose for a second that all of the above is true, does this take away from the work?

The rich and famous don't have access to cheat codes within the matrix, they don't level up Saiyan style; they live their sweat, the same as the rest of us.
For every 'rich' guy who has a plethora of resources and advantages that life has not been kind enough to bestow on you, there are dozens, if not hundreds of people with FAR less, not just 'making do' but getting damned good results.

The point of this post is this, there are two very distinct personally types, the 'if only I had XYZ' types and the 'what DO I have?' Types. 
The truth is, someone else's advantages ARE NOT YOUR DISADVANTAGES, someone may have a faster car than you, but that doesn't make your car any slower.
You can whittle away your entire life discrediting others efforts, or you could expend that energy elsewhere, i.e. on yourself.